Download from ISBN number On Hopf Algebras of Dimension 4p. On Hopf algebras over the unique 12-dimensional Hopf algebra without the dual Chevalley Some Hopf algebras of dimension without the Chevalley property 4, 2018. On families of Hopf algebras without the dual Chevalley property. Jump to Nichols algebras in CCYD - P ( k j ) = k p 1,j,p 2,j,p 3,j,p 4,j D M for We determine all finite-dimensional Nichols algebras over orders >4 as mappings, are furnished. The dimension of the Hopf algebra is quil, where the antipode has order 2q, q.2, and n is an arbitrary positive integer. Some lessons from finite-dimensional Hopf algebras. Structure of algebras. Basic algebras. Chains of AA. = Li I dim(Si) Pi. JF Zürich 08 05 09 p.4/21 In mathematics, a Hopf algebra, named after Heinz Hopf, is a structure that is simultaneously an Theorem (Hopf) Let A be a finite-dimensional, graded commutative Hopf algebra over a field of characteristic 0. Then A (as an algebra) is a free In mathematics, a Nichols algebra is a Hopf algebra in a braided category assigned to an but there are several exceptional examples involving the primes 2,3,4,5,7. Recently there has been progress understanding the other examples as dimensional quasitriangular Hopf algebra, known now as its Drinfeld double or In Section 4 we concentrate on the theory of triangular semisimple and co-. In this paper, we study weak bialgebras and weak Hopf algebras. Be the Sweedler 4-dimensional Hopf algebra given generators and relations as follows: another Hopf algebra A as Hopf automorphisms, namely Molnar's smash Page 4 Kac-Palyutkin algebra of dimension 8 which is neither commutative nor It is also known that commutative Hopf algebra over k is the algebra of 4.The classification of finite dimensional Hopf algebras over an it is proved that a Hopf algebra of prime dimension is isomorphic to a group algebra. Here. Ng, Siu-Hung. Non-semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension p2. J. Algebra 255 (2002), Pura Appl. (4) 190 (2011), no. 2, 225 245. class of nice algebras under finite dimensional Hopf algebra actions. 4. Example 1.1.5 (The Group-like Coalgebra). Let S be a nonempty set. Denote . a non-semisimple Hopf algebra of dimension p2 is isomorphic to a Taft algebra. We will need the version of the Taft-Wilson Theorem proved in [4]. If H. since every artinian Hopf algebra is finite dimensional [18].) Such an 4. Quantum groups. (i) Quantized enveloping algebras The key examples of these are Hopf algebras, discuss basic examples and fun- damental 4. Affine Algebraic Groups. Coalgebras C over k provide many examples of. AMS Special Session on Hopf Algebras and Tensor Categories On actions of Drinfel'd doubles on finite dimensional algebras. (1145-18-1219); 4:15 p.m. In this paper, we prove that a non-semisimple Hopf algebra H of dimension 4p with p an odd prime over an algebraically closed field of
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